Ghalamkar fabric is a kind of textile printing, printed Iranian fabric. The fabric is printed with wooden stamps carved in the shape of the design. Most of the stamps are made of pear wood, which has better flexibility and density for carving and long-lasting utility. There are hundreds of different patterns consisting of arabesque designs, flora and fauna designs, geometric designs, pre-Islamic designs, hunting scenes, polo games, Persian poems, Armenian and Hebrew inscriptions. Esfahan is one of the most important producing cities in the world.
A tapestry can be stamped depending on its density and size, between hundreds and tens of thousands of times. For example, a tablecloth for six people (2 meters by 1.4 meters) should be stamped about 580 times in a normal work, while with the same size up to 4000 times in an elegant work.
After finishing printing, they are first steamed for at least an hour to stabilize your designs. Then, it was taken to the riverbed and stored in ponds to be well soaked, in a large quantity of running water. The pieces are then stacked in large copper containers containing stabilizers (liquids) and boiled. At the same time, they are turned over with wooden sticks and washed again, then spread on the edges to dry in the final stage.