Are carpets hot in summer?
Not at all, since wool is an insulating material and does not give off or accumulate cold or heat. In fact, one of the advantages of wool is its ability to regulate environmental humidity, let’s keep in mind that in summer we are hot due to two circumstances, temperature and environmental humidity that generates a sultry effect and a greater feeling of discomfort, well, wool due to that ability it has, It absorbs ambient moisture when the air is too humid, returning it again when the air is dry.
What happens is that we tend to identify wool with cold and, psychologically, a room with a carpet transmits a feeling of warmth that is very pleasant in winter but that overwhelms us in summer. As we have pointed out, this is a purely psychological effect that, in addition, is reinforced by the memories we usually have of when we were little at our parents’ house when we saw how at the end of spring all the carpets were collected and stored, so we reproduce this pattern.
Let’s remember that in places on the planet where it is much hotter than in our country, carpets are never removed in summer, which shows, once again, that this is a cultural attitude that is very specific and very limited to our environment.
Finally, it should be noted that synthetic carpets and carpets, made with artificial fabrics, basically derived from plastic, do give heat.